WISHful Container Gardening
Join us for our next WISH educational event on container gardening!
July 11, 2018 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
UCHealth Community Education Center
2050 Kidskare Pt., Colorado Springs, CO 80910
You probably already know that gardening has wonderful benefits of physical activity and stress-reduction, but did you know it can help prevent cancer? UCHealth Cancer Outreach Coordinator Char Waters will talk about cancer prevention and Julie Hudak, Horticulture Therapy Candidate, will talk about the health benefits of gardening and lead us in a hands-on container gardening project!
As always, WISH events are free, but we would appreciate a donation at the door to cover gardening supplies. We will have food, beverages, and door prizes…and everyone will leave with a take-home pot!